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Monday, Dec. 26, 2005 - 6:08 p.m.

Well Well Well X-mas is here and gone. I had an ok X-mas. Very different tis year. I took off into the mountains where my friend has a cabin in Crestline. So nice. She just had her new Jacuzzi put in on her deck. I was sick(again!) so I couldnt go in oh but when it start to snow it is on! Tequila, Jacuzzi and snow. Everything except the boy to make out with! Which leads me up to the title of my Blog.

My New Year's Resolution this year will be NO SEX (with anyone else). WHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTT? So all of you who read this and want to have sex with me you have till the end of the week to try to get into my pants. Ummmm not that you will have any success.

Why such a drastic measure? Cause, my soul needs to be sex free for awhile. I am just having a harder time convincing my body to join the cause. I am going to rediscover myself. Having meaninless sex has really made me harsh. I used to be such a fucken lady! I mean before I lost my virginity when I was 19 and before I went though all the bullshit of my Baby Daddys and before before...I was so classy. I want to be the girl I once was but at the same time not lose who I am now. The only way I can do this is go back to a way of life that wasn't complicated with sex.

If you read my past blogs you will read how I am looking for someone. Mr. right if you will. So I have been setting out on a path for this and I have been making too many mistakes in this search. Sex being the major factor in these mistakes. Also a very interesting converstation with a guy friend of mine (who I had sex with!) that open my eyes to a lot of things. I need a break from sex. Oh Sex dont get me wrong I still love you I just think we need sometime apart so when I have you again it will be that much better. Love must have part in it. If there is no love, there is no sex

So Jan 1st (actually I haven't had it in almost 2 weeks so I think I already started this resolution) I will no longer have sex with anyone. Can I do it? I dont Know. Does anyone want to wager?

Wait wait wait, what if I meet Mr. Right? What if we fall in love? Then I will be in a bit of a pickle huh? Wait that didn't sound right......None the less NONE THE LESS, he will have to wait. If he is the one he will wait. He will wait. OMG I hope I can too!

I am not giving it up forever. I am just not giving it up, ya know. So I am not going to have sex with fuckwits. When "the One" comes along oh he's gonna get some then some but not till I know. I have to prove it to myself. This is really more for me than anything I have ever done. That sounds funny but it's true. Taking sex away will give me back to me.



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